Day 1: Borobudur tour – Lava kali tour – prambanan temple.
In the morning we will leave in the early morning to Setumbu hill for enjoying sunrise
Setumbu hill is located in the next of Borobudur temple, did you know why we should go to
setumbu hill? Here, we may take spectacular sun rise picture with The background Borobudur temple and Merapi mount.
nice? Oh yah,, from hotel, before leaving to sutumbu hill we should be ready with breakfast box because after taking spectacular sun rise we have breakfast on the top of the hill.
After from there we have breakfast, then directly go to Borobudur temple until at 10 / 09 am..
Here we will take around in the garden and temple for exploring history of incomparable Buddhist temple of Borobudur. Nice trip??
– After that we go to lava kali off-road tour by jeep (here we will Know history of Unforgettable Merapi eruption such as : museum hartaku, merapi banker, a lot of big stones in the river etc)
– Go on to Prambanan temple the Hindu masterpiece. in this place we can see not only one temple but also Candi Lumbung, Candi Bubrah, and Candi Sewu in north side.
– having meal in hotel is usual, now it’s time to have dinner in the city (we can look for traditional food here like jogja gudek, this food is the most famous one in jogjakarta )
– before going to go to bed / hotel, we will invite you to take “goes jogja transport” for turning around to public garden/city,, nice??
– Then back to hotel
Private Ac transport
Ticket to setumbu hill
Ticket to Borobudur
Ticket to lava kali tour
Jeep for exploring lava kali tour
Ticket to pramabanan temple
Mineral water
Hotel / home stay / guest house
Break fast, lunch, dinner
Extra tip if you feel happy with the tour
Take guest transport in last program in this day
Day 2: jogja palace – taman sari west castle – ngasem bird market – bringharjo traditional market / pasar “besar” – visit to batik center – watch ramayana dancer performance at night
– Have breakfast (in hotel)
– start from hotel Go to sultan palace / Keraton Jogjakarta
Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is formal palace located in Yogjakarta Indonesia
– Then visit to Tamansari west castle (Fragrant Garden)
– And then go to Ngasem Birth market
– go to Bringharjo traditional market
– go to Batik center (shopping)
– watch Ramayana dancer performance at night
– dinner back to hotel
did you know Ramayana dance? Look at in google what is Ramayana dance, it is very nice performance ..
include :
private AC transport
ticket to Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
ticket to taman sari west castle
mineral water
exclude :
break fast lunch or dinner
ticket to watch Ramayana dancer performance at night